December 2004 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Campus Updates
4.1 China Presentation – Jim Gibson, Rose Lynch, & Dorene Perez
4.2 Student Characteristics – Bob Marshall
4.3 Campus Facilities – Larry Rousey
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 Approval of Minutes – November 17, 2004 (Pages 1-8)
5.2 Approval of Corrected Minutes – October 20, 2004 (Page 9)
5.3 Approval of Bills
5.3.1 Education Fund – $613,001.52
5.3.2 Operation & Maintenance Fund - $165,915.79
5.3.3 Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $79,789.29
5.3.4 Auxiliary Fund - $160,178.59
5.3.5 Restricted Fund - $153,810.26
5.3.6 Audit Fund - $3,500.00
5.3.7 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $10,521.21
5.4 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 10-24)
5.4.1 Financial Highlights (Page 11)
5.4.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 12-13)
5.4.3 Summary of 2005 Budget by Fund (Page 14)
5.4.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 15-21)
5.4.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 22)
5.4.6 Investment Status Report (Page 23)
5.4.7 Check Register – $5,000 or more (Page 24)
5.5 Personnel (Pages 25-28)
5.5.1 Faculty Appointment – Melissa Killian, Counselor (Pages 25-26)
5.5.2 Faculty Appointment – David J. Kinczewski, Welding Technology Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center (Pages 27-28)
5.6 Bid Approvals (Pages 29-36)
5.6.1 Exterior ADA Compliance (Pages 29-31)
5.6.2 Farm Lease (Pages 32-34)
5.6.3 Scoreboard and Shot Clock System (Pages 35-36)
6. President’s Report
7. 2004 Tax Levy (Pages 37-46)
8. LaSalle County Information Technology Service Contract (Pages 47-48)
9. Board Goals (Page 49)
10. Items for Information (Pages 50-51)
10.1 Staff Appointment – Timothy T. McCarthy, Safety Services Officer (Page 50)
10.2 LaSalle County Farm Bureau – IVLEAD Program (Page 51)
11. Thanks and Commendations (Page 52)
11.1 National Association of College Stores – Lauren Sandberg (Page 52)
12. Closed Session – 1) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives and 2)Review of the minutes of the November 17, 2004 Closed Session Meeting
13. Other
14. Adjournment