April 2004 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1 Approval of Minutes – March 17, 2004 (Pages 1-6)
4.2 Approval of Bills
4.2.1 Education Fund – $593,656.36
4.2.2 Operation & Maintenance Fund - $118,572.98
4.2.3 Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $2346.65
4.2.4 Auxiliary Fund - $119,159.83
4.2.5 Restricted Fund - $129,270.64
4.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $5,363.53
4.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 7-22)
4.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page 8)
4.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 9-10)
4.3.3 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Page 11)
4.3.4 Summary of 2004 Budget by Fund (Page 12)
4.3.5 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 13-19)
4.3.6 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 20)
4.3.7 Investment Status Report (Page 21)
4.3.8 Check Register – $5,000 or more (Page 22)
5. President’s Report
6. Trustee’s Report
7. Personnel - Reduction in Force, Sheridan Correctional Center (Page 23)
8. Bid Approvals (Pages 24-30)
8.1 Custodial Supplies (Pages 24-25)
8.2 Welding Shop Central Exhaust System (Pages 26-27)
8.3 Bank Depository (Pages 28-30)
9. Information Tour of Lower Level D and E214 & E216 (Future Assessment Center)
10. Bid Approval – Renovation of Lower Level D, E214, E216 (Pages 31-40)
11. Information Update on Community Instructional Center and Workforce Development Technology Center – Mike Cardinal
12. Bid Requests (Pages 41-44)
13. Campus Update – Continuous Quality Improvement – John Jasinski
14. Items for Information (Pages 45-50)
14.1 Staff Retirement – Sharon Ellis, Part-time Enrollment Services Assistant (Page 45)
14.2 Staff Appointment – Sarah Francis, DWC Case Manager (Page 46)
14.3 Staff Appointment – George Needs, Human Resources Specialist (Page 47)
14.4 2003 NCLEX Pass Rate Results – Gloria Bouxsein (Pages 48-50)
15. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 51-52)
15.1 Harriet Custer – AQIP Systems Portfolio Appraiser (Pages 51-52)
16. Closed Session - 1) the compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; 2) the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body; and 3) discussion of minutes of the March 17, 2004 closed session meeting
17. Other
18. Adjournment