October 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees will meet at 6:00 PM Wednesday, October 15 in the Board Room (C-307) to discuss financial reports. The regular monthly meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes – Sept. 16, Sept. 24, and October 1, 2003 (Pages 1-6)
b. Approval of Bills
i. Education Fund – $444,097.78
ii. Operation & Maintenance Fund - $113,485.26
iii. Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $212,730.42
iv. Auxiliary Fund - $442,149.72
v. Restricted Fund - $74,477.53
vi. Audit Fund - $3,000.00
vii. Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $10,150.59
c. Financial Reports
i. Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 7)
ii. Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 8)
iii. Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 9-10)
5. Tour of East Campus (Future Welding Lab and Truck Driver Training Classroom Space)
6. President’s Report
7. Personnel (Pages 11-14)
a. Staff Appointment – Kathy Glascock, Dean of Occupational Technologies (Pages 11-12)
b. Faculty Retirement – Marjorie Hunt, Computer Instructor (Pages 13-14)
8. Authorization to Prepare Tax Levy (Pages 15-16)
9. Health Professions Update – Gloria Bouxsein
10. Items for Information (Pages 17-21)
a. Illinois Community College Board - Forensics Specialist Certificate (Page 17)
b. W.D. Boyce Council, Boy Scouts of America (Page 18)
c. Senator Peter Fitzgerald – Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Pages 19-20)
d. Franklin University – Compensation (Page 21)
11. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 22-24)
a. Bob Byrne and the American Chemical Society Chapter at IVCC (Page 22)
b. Rhonda Veit, Angela Dunlap, and Francie Skoflanc – North Central Behavioral Health Systems, The Awakenings Art Show (Pages 23-24)
12. Closed Session – Potential Litigation
13. Other
14. Adjournment