November 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes – October 15, 2003 (Special and Regular Meetings) (Pages 1-5)
b. Approval of Bills
i. Education Fund – $434,430.50
ii. Operation & Maintenance Fund - $128,574.69
iii. Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $42,252.39
iv. Auxiliary Fund - $87,439.60
v. Restricted Fund - $132,211.69
vi. Audit Fund - $7,910.00
vii. Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $14,932.15
c. Treasurer’s Report (Pages 6-19)
i. Financial Highlights (Page 7)
ii. Balance Sheet (Pages 8-9)
iii. Summary of 2004 Budget by Fund (Page 10)
iv. Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 11-17)
v. Statement of Cash Flows (Page 18)
vi. Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 19)
5. President’s Report
6. Trustees’ Report
7. Personnel - Tenure Recommendations (Pages 20-26)
8. 2003 Tentative Tax Levy (Pages 27-32)
9. Bid Approval – LCD Projectors (Pages 33-34)
10. Bid Rejection – Custodial Supplies (Pages 35-36)
11. ADA Compliance Issues (Pages 37-44)
12. ADA and Life Safety Projects
13. Cooperative Agreement (Pages 45-52)
14. Renewal of Cash Farm Leases (Pages 53-71)
15. Community College Board Duties
16. Campus Update – Results/Accountability Report and Tenure Review Process
17. Items for Information (Pages 72-79)
a. Staff Resignation -Bradley Alan Hansen, Assist. Women’s Basketball Coach (Page 72)
b. A.A.S. in Therapeutic Massage – Illinois Community College Board (Page 73)
c. JUCO Slam Jam – Southeastern vs. Illinois Valley/Chicago United Center (Page 74)
d. Accountability Important in Choosing a College – Jean Goodnow (Page 75)
e. Higher Ed is Useful Tool to Ease Nursing Shortage – Jean Goodnow (Page 76)
f. Illinois Student Assistance Commission Report (Pages 77-79)
18. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 80-81)
a. Heart of Relay Award – IVCC Nursing Department (Page 80)
b. President of the Illinois Association of College Stores – Lauren Sandberg (Page 81)
19. Closed Session – Potential Litigation
20. Other
21. Adjournment