May 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 – Fireplace Lounge (6:30 PM)

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. GASB 35 and 39 Presentation – Clifton Gunderson

5. Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes – April 16, 2003 (Pages 1-6)
  2. Approval of Bills
  1. Education Fund – $244,199.32
  2. Operation & Maintenance Fund - $89,216.23
  3. Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $79,434.36
  4. Auxiliary Fund - $62,154.00
  5. Restricted Fund - $190,392.47
  6. Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $25,293.42

c.  Financial Reports

i. Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 7)
ii. Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 8)
iii. Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 9-10)

6. President’s Report

7. Personnel (Pages 11-24)

  1. Faculty Resignation – John Fons, Physics Instructor (Pages 11-12)
  2. Staff Resignation – Kelly Conrad, Director of Admissions and Records (Pages 13-14)
  3. Faculty Retirement – N. Dana Collins, Art Instructor (Pages 15-16)
  4. Staff Reduction – Steve Swett, Transition Coordinator (Pages 17-18)
  5. Staff Reduction – Barry Sanders, Interim Social Sciences and Public Service Division Chair/Admissions Specialist for Career Programs (Pages 19-20)
  6. Staff Appointment – Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Career Education (Pages 21-22)
  7. Faculty Appointment – Dr. Matthew Johll, Chemistry Instructor (Pages 23-24)

8. Purchase Request – Point of Sale System for IVCC Bookstore (Nebraska Book Company) (Pages 25-30)

9. Bid Request – Renovation of Lower Level D, E214, and E216 (Pages 31-33)

10. Board Policy Manual – Section 3000, Personnel (Page 34)

11. Campus Update – Early Childhood Education Center, Diane Christianson and Sallee Beneke

12. Information Items – (Pages 35-37)

a. National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Certification (Page 35)
b. Senate Bill 1518 – Patrick D. Welch (Page 36)
c. Partnership Aimed to Improve Nursing Shortage (Page 37)

13. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 38-47)

  1. Renee Prine – Bridget Billings (IVCC Student) (Page 38)
  2. Debbie Burch and Valery Calvetti – Princeton High School Students (Pages 39-41)
  3. Harold Barnes – IVCC Employer Panel (Page 42)
  4. Jean Goodnow – Ruth Louis, PTK Honoree (Page 43)
  5. Ron Groleau, Lou Borio, Lee Ann Johnson – Dennis Nelson, Pt-time Instructor (Page 44)
  6. Joel Torbeck – Junior Achievement (Pages 45-46)
  7. Kelly Conrad – Marquette High School (Page 47)


14. Closed Session

15. Other

16. Adjournment