April 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes – March 18, 2003 (Pages 1-4)
- Approval of Bills
Education Fund – $212,832.10
Operation & Maintenance Fund - $63,800.74
Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $133,512.03
Auxiliary Fund - $84,491.17
Restricted Fund - $297,286.23
Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $254,471.53
c. Financial Reports
Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 5)
Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 6)
Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 7-8)
5. President’s Report
6. Personnel (Pages 9-12)
a. Faculty Appointment – Julie A. Sherbeyn, Health, Wellness and Physical Education
Instructor (Pages 9-10)
b. Faculty Resignation – Deb Tostovarsnik, Nursing Instructor (Pages 11-12)
7. Bid Requests (Pages 13-16)
a. Multipurpose White Paper (Pages 13-14)
b. Computer Printing Supplies (Pages 15-16)
8. Request for Proposal - Food and Vending Services (Pages 17-18)
9. Bid Approvals (Pages19-27)
a. Electrical Infrastructure Repairs, Upgrades, and Energy Management Controls (Pages
b. Replacement of A/C Units for Gym and Culture Center (Pages 23-25)
c. Two-Year College Catalog (Pages 26-27)
10. Life Safety Project and Transfer of Funds (Pages 28-38)
11. Tuition and Fees Increase (Pages 39-40)
12. E2C (Early Entry College) Tuition (Pages 41-44)
13. Property/Casualty Insurance (Pages 45-46)
14. Cooperative Agreement Addendum (Pages 47-50)
15. Educational Agreement Update (Pages 51-59)
16. Campus Update – Tour of IVCC Greenhouse (6:30 PM)
17. Information Items – (Pages 60-65)
a. Dental Assisting Program (Pages 60-64)
b. "Patriotism and You" Video (Page 65)
18. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 66-71)
- Labor/Management Construction Industry Building Trades Expo (Page 66)
- Jennifer Scheri – Perry Memorial Hospital (Page 67)
- Sue Harding – SRAVTE Career Fair (Page 68)
- Gary Johnson/Maintenance Staff – SRAVTE Career Fair (Page 69)
- Ken Sangston/Security Staff – SRAVTE Career Fair (Page 70)
- Angela Dunlap – SRAVTE Career Fair (Page 71)
19. Closed Session
20. Employee Discipline
21. Other
22. Adjournment