Board of Trustees Meeting December 18, 2002 Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes – November 12 & 20, 2002 (Pages 1-5)
b. Approval of Bills
i. Education Fund – $259,712.72
ii. Operation & Maintenance Fund - $67,998.53
iii. Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $93,600.10
iv. Auxiliary Fund - $84,573.42
v. Restricted Fund - $235,093.47
vi. Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $12,243.71
c. Financial Reports
i. Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 6)
ii. Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 7)
iii. Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 8-9)
5. President’s Report
6. Closed Session
7. Personnel (Pages 10-19)
a. Faculty Reduction in Force (Pages 10-14)
b. Faculty Reduction in Force and Program Discontinuation (Pages 15-19)
8. 2002 Tax Levy (Pages 20-25)
9. Property Tax Exemption (Pages 26-27)
10. College Calendars (2003-2004 & 2004-2005) (Pages 28-36)
11. Early Entry College (E2C) Program/Streator Township High School (Pages 37-41)
12. Campus Updates
a. Rapid Prototyping (3-D Printer) – Dorene Perez
b. Project NOA – Jerry Corcoran
13. Items for Information (Pages 42-44)
a. Staff Appointment – John Piano, Safety Service/Evening Switchboard (Page 42)
b. Staff Appointment – Jennifer Uzella, Case Manager, Dislocated Workers Center (Page
c. Approval of the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Certificate Program (Page
14. Thanks and Commendations (Page 45)
a. Cory Tomasson – Core Values presentation at College of DuPage (Page 45)
15. Closed Session
16. Other
17. Adjournment